^^^as the title suggests, I hate coming up with titles, headlines, captions, etc. I will sit for a good day brainstorming and once in a blue moon something good will hit me but more often than not I give up and the title is I Suck at Titles.
Obviously, however, that is not what this post is about.
That, my darlings, is what this post is about.
I have never been to a more beautiful, breathtaking place than the Alps; majestic, massive, perfect. I don't know what I expected from the weekend, but it certainly wasn't to fall in love (with the mountains... sorry Francis.)
As a poor car-rider, the four hour drive from Stuttgart to Garmisch was obviously torturous, but slightly more tolerable once I laid eyes on the highest mountains I've ever seen, with the exception of the Rockies but I was 4 so I don't think that counts. I can't even describe how breathtaking it is to drive up and down and around hairpin turns, through valleys, past mountain villages established in the 1300s and some well before then. The air was cool and crisp and clean, the Bavarians so friendly, and the food oh, so good. So, so good.
Garmisch itself is nestled in a valley, and walking out of the hotel it was like someone had painted a massive backdrop; everything looked so surreal. We spent the first day exploring some of Garmisch, Partenkirchen which is right next door, and Oberammergau, famous for it's woodcarvers, and the place where my parents decided to drop $1000 on a Nativity that now is the reason why I must work in college (all kidding aside that better go to me in the will.)
We went over to Neuswanstein that night, a big deal for me since it's the inspiration for Cinderella's castle and we all know I'm a princess and whatnot. The basically 4 mile trek up the 12 degree incline, however, not so appealing, and on the way back we ran into the beginnings of a summer storm that quickly escalated into hail as soon as we (thankfully) reached the car.
I mean, you guys, it was just pure gorgeous, and although no trip is complete without a bit of family drama, it made me once again acknowledge how lucky and thankful I am to have this opportunity to spend massive amounts of time in Europe.
Oh, and my actual TRAVELING passport, you know the one that enables me to actually go to different countries beside Deutschland? Yes, it has arrived, and I desperately hope I am never internationally wanted simply because I look like a serial killer in my mug shot.
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