First, my humblest apologies for the inconsistency of postings seeing as how my first semester here at college has gone by super quickly, yet admittedly not too busily. AKA I had plenty of time but just got lazy. Gossip Girl on Netflix has been top priority for a few months now.
Of course, I'm sure my stress level would be much lower if I actually attempted to concentrate as much on my exams as I do on the relationship of Chuck and Blair. Economics is actually the bane of my existence. I should have known from the beginning (high school really, special thanks to my slightly-less-than-averagely talented macroeconomics teacher) that I wasn't made out for the world of economics. I spend a good amount of time looking at the material and thinking MY MIND DOES NOT WORK LIKE THIS, cursing everyone else who hasn't experienced a weed-out course that basically does nothing but drive kids insane. Why though; why me?! I am not an economics or finance or accounting major. Only a young girl with a dream to double major in advertising and marketing, which in itself is enough work without having to worry about the marginal utilities of supply and demand. I'm not saying it isn't fascinating stuff; I like knowing economics, I just don't like studying it. I like to spend money, true. But not so much learn about it.
So here's to hoping that I actually didn't fail my exam thus failing the class, like in my worst nightmares. I never thought I'd say I'd settle for a C, but I'd settle for a C. I'd kill for a C. Although I'm guessing that's likely against the Student Conduct Code. And if I do fail, well, special prayers for my sanity, please.
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