Monday, December 9, 2013

Edge of Insanity

First, my humblest apologies for the inconsistency of postings seeing as how my first semester here at college has gone by super quickly, yet admittedly not too busily. AKA I had plenty of time but just got lazy. Gossip Girl on Netflix has been top priority for a few months now. 

Of course, I'm sure my stress level would be much lower if I actually attempted to concentrate as much on my exams as I do on the relationship of Chuck and Blair. Economics is actually the bane of my existence. I should have known from the beginning (high school really, special thanks to my slightly-less-than-averagely talented macroeconomics teacher) that I wasn't made out for the world of economics. I spend a good amount of time looking at the material and thinking MY MIND DOES NOT WORK LIKE THIS, cursing everyone else who hasn't experienced a weed-out course that basically does nothing but drive kids insane. Why though; why me?! I am not an economics or finance or accounting major. Only a young girl with a dream to double major in advertising and marketing, which in itself is enough work without having to worry about the marginal utilities of supply and demand. I'm not saying it isn't fascinating stuff; I like knowing economics, I just don't like studying it. I like to spend money, true. But not so much learn about it. 

So here's to hoping that I actually didn't fail my exam thus failing the class, like in my worst nightmares.   I never thought I'd say I'd settle for a C, but I'd settle for a C. I'd kill for a C. Although I'm guessing that's likely against the Student Conduct Code. And if I do fail, well, special prayers for my sanity, please. 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Unnecessary Words

It's funny how we go through so many conversations each day and don't often even recognize how many unnecessary words we use constantly. How to describe something or some magnificent event we pile meaningless sounds together that the more they add up the less they mean. Does that make sense? The most beautiful things in the world require no words, or only very few if anything. 

Then there are the wrong words. The words that seem synonymous, but carry different weight. One slip-up, one wrong substitution, can change everything. That's what scares me. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

The Ish of Now

Current state of the union in the life of one AMZ (that's me, in case clarification was required...)
1. Unpacking. Last night I managed to dig my way through four boxes of spices and two of seashells, gently unpacking them and placing them in a bowl so they would stay intact for my poor mother. A note about our seashells in the hope that we don't get arrested- other heartless members of my family (AKA everyone except for your's truly) catches the shells live, resulting in a long process of boiling and cleaning out the shells to rid them of the innocent small creatures that up until that fateful point in their small and quiet lives had lived peacefully. The point of the matter is that the shells still smelled terribly even after such a thorough, or I suppose questionably NOT thorough, process. I had to Febreeze the heck out of those buggers. 
2. Bows. Today was the first day that I donned my brand new bow that my darling boyfriend gifted to me for my half-birthday in June. (Major points for him for the half-birthday gift, period <3) It was darling, and I felt so hipster with my bunny sweater and teal bow. I believe I need more. 
3. Cheese and Alcohol. My late-night snack consisted of brie and Chardonnay. Classy, right? I'm starting to feel the wine kick in just a tad. 
4. Fleet Foxes. Kill me for loving their music. It's so very... ballad-like. I don't actually legally acquire my music, so my playlist is limited but I'm really enjoying Your Protector right now. I totally get that they're out of Washington, but if I could see them or even Mumford and Sons in Ireland, my life would be made. Considering the current state of my life, that would be a real possibility too (EEP!!!)
5. Russia. I'm really rooting for this one as our destination next summer. A cruise in the Baltic, a stop in St. Petersburg, and hoping that one of my best friends can magically save enough money if quitting college is the price to pay for coming with me. 
6. Apple TV. My saving grace and the reason why I have wifi in two rooms in our house. I'm stealing it from downstairs... 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I Suck at Titles

^^^as the title suggests, I hate coming up with titles, headlines, captions, etc. I will sit for a good day brainstorming and once in a blue moon something good will hit me but more often than not I give up and the title is I Suck at Titles. 

Obviously, however, that is not what this post is about. 

That, my darlings, is what this post is about. 

I have never been to a more beautiful, breathtaking place than the Alps; majestic, massive, perfect. I don't know what I expected from the weekend, but it certainly wasn't to fall in love (with the mountains... sorry Francis.) 

As a poor car-rider, the four hour drive from Stuttgart to Garmisch was obviously torturous, but slightly more tolerable once I laid eyes on the highest mountains I've ever seen, with the exception of the Rockies but I was 4 so I don't think that counts. I can't even describe how breathtaking it is to drive up and down and around hairpin turns, through valleys, past mountain villages established in the 1300s and some well before then. The air was cool and crisp and clean, the Bavarians so friendly, and the food oh, so good. So, so good. 

Garmisch itself is nestled in a valley, and walking out of the hotel it was like someone had painted a massive backdrop; everything looked so surreal. We spent the first day exploring some of Garmisch, Partenkirchen which is right next door, and Oberammergau, famous for it's woodcarvers, and the place where my parents decided to drop $1000 on a Nativity that now is the reason why I must work in college (all kidding aside that better go to me in the will.) 

We went over to Neuswanstein that night, a big deal for me since it's the inspiration for Cinderella's castle and we all know I'm a princess and whatnot. The basically 4 mile trek up the 12 degree incline, however, not so appealing, and on the way back we ran into the beginnings of a summer storm that quickly escalated into hail as soon as we (thankfully) reached the car. 

I mean, you guys, it was just pure gorgeous, and although no trip is complete without a bit of family drama, it made me once again acknowledge how lucky and thankful I am to have this opportunity to spend massive amounts of time in Europe. 

Oh, and my actual TRAVELING passport, you know the one that enables me to actually go to different countries beside Deutschland? Yes, it has arrived, and I desperately hope I am never internationally wanted simply because I look like a serial killer in my mug shot. 

Enter Determination Here

Never have I ever been particularly good at keeping up with, well, about everything. Projects are started, and left, and forgotten about, and altogether disappear from my mind on a regular basis. Not surprisingly, that's what appears to have happened on here, but this time I am determined, confident, and altogether absolutely sure that I can and will WRITE more. Because that's what I love doing. From here on out, pictures will be minimal (special thanks to my leaving Europe in one week *tear*) and words will take precedence. I solemnly swear. 

 The truth of the matter is that I shoulda/coulda/woulda been a journalism student at UF come fall, had not reality and parental expectations taken hold of the mind. Now, much to my hesitance, Business school awaits me in two weeks. With no strong background in math OR economics, I am mortally terrified, and ultimately completely sure I won't fit in, and ABSOLUTELY POSITIVE that I will NOT be pursuing Finance, don't tell my father. 

It comes down to the fact that I enjoy writing, and I used to be quite good at it when I had the opportunity to write what I pleased. So I'm going to do just that, write what I please, and speak my mind, and maybe something will come of it, if only entertainment for whoever comes across my personal thoughts scattered on the internets. 

Maybe I'll survive Business School through all this. Just bear with me.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

the Hills

The hills are alive with the sound of music? Wrong country, but close enough. Sunday we took a trip into the gorgeous, mysterious, and very green Black Forest. Despite the chilly and windy weather, it was a beautiful day spent winding through the mountains. 

Random Glockenspiels on the side of the road. Feed the meter a euro and it comes to life. We got there on the hour, so we were able to use the euro later to buy cake! Good life

And then of course here are the mountains. One of the many reasons why I've fallen in love with this place. Another is the Black Forest Cake, otherwise known as edible heaven (by me no one else...) 

Ich Liebe Dich

Monday, June 24, 2013

I'm About that City Life

I have TWO adventures to write about, but here is the first.


Saturday, we took the S Bahn (the Stuttgart regional train) into the city for the first time. Stuttgart, I've learned, is very much my speed. It's a massive city, but it's massively spread out. There were no real skyscrapers or high-rising apartment complexes. But there were TONS of people, mostly German, some French, very few Americans. We emerged from the train station, deep underground (think New York subway system but much cleaner), and came up at the end of the Königstrasse, which I believe means "King Street." 

With the exception of Times Square, it is the busiest place I think I've been to thus far. Not only are people walking and shopping, but they're eating and sitting and people-watching everywhere. There are tables down the middle of the street (by the way, it's a pedestrian zone in case you didn't get the hint) that to an American might appear as if hey just sitting areas until a waiter appears out of no where to take your order. The cafes down this way are extremely expensive, though, because of the high volume of people, so we found lunch elsewhere (more to come on that later.) 

In the heart of the Königstrasse, at the edge of the city square known as the Schlossplatz, is the "New Palace," predictably located adjacent to the "Old Palace," that served as residence to the kings of Württemburg in the 18th and 19th centuries and was destroyed by Allied bombings along with most of the city during World War II.  It was rebuilt and now serves as the State Ministries of Finance and Education. 

The one place I really wanted to go was the Markthalle, where locals go to buy maybe two days worth of fresh ingredients from local vendors. 

It was here that we found our lunch: a sandwich cooked like a panini with thinly sliced ham and arugula and cheese. Add the Mezzo Mix, and it was a pretty filling meal for 5 euros. We ate in the garden across from the Stuttgart Opera House, which is where some of the Avengers is supposed to take place (they cheated and used Cleveland.) 

Basically I have fallen in love with Germany and Germans and the German way of life, and will be heartbroken to leave in August.